
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

dropkick murphys - i wish you were here

Dropkick Murphys - I Wish You Were Here, Youtube, 22.12.2020

Hi ha moments com aquest. Un dia, una setmana, on molts hem perdut a persones que seguim portant dins dels nostres cors.

Fa uns dies en Hands em va passar aquest tema dels Dropkick Murphys. Un bon tema per no oblidar a tots aquells que van marxar, perĂ² que seguiran estant entre nosaltres mentre els seguim recordant.

Oh, how I miss your face
And the warmth of your smile
The light in your eyes
There was no fare thee well
And there was no goodbye
And, I wish you were here
How I wish you were here
I'm out on my own
I'm so far from home

When, I'm looking back
On the time that we shared
Oh, we know you were loved

I know in my heart
That we'll meet again
I know deep inside
This isn't the end

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